Bridge grant

The Bridge Grants are a way for us to encourage young scientists to look for new scientific collaborations. We provide its awardees with financial support for a short external visit. More precisely, each application for a Bridge Grant must be submitted by two young researchers in complexity science. One of them is a receiving and the second a visiting candidate. The visiting candidate obtains the financial support to travel to the receiving candidate’s institution and work together on a project that addresses a problem in the field of complex systems. We try to limit the bureaucracy to a minimum, so after the visit, we ask only for a report to post on our website and receipts of main expenses. Bridge Grants are nice and simple, so don’t hesitate to apply!

The call for Bridge Grants is currently closed.


The bridge grants provide partial support for short visits. We fund 500 euros for within-continent visits and 1000 euros for visits between different continents. The requested amount is paid after the visit (see After the visit).


To be eligible, the recipients of the grant, here called visiting and receiving candidates, each need to be a Master’s student, a PhD candidate, or an early-stage researcher (up to 4 years after PhD) working on complex systems. No need to have paid a CSS membership to apply: if you get selected and are not members yet, you will get a membership as part of the grant!

How to apply

The application must consist of:

  1. CVs of visiting and receiving candidates.
  2. An invitation letter for the visiting candidate by the host group’s principal investigator.
  3. A cover letter of maximum one page explaining the personal motivation, the importance of the collaboration, and the availability of other sources of funding.
  4. A document produced by the candidates where they describe their research project outline with a mandatory figure (max 1000 words including figure’s caption).

Please note that you may resubmit your application as many times as needed.

Selection criteria

The applications will be reviewed by the yrCSS Advisory Board. They will be evaluated based on the candidates’ CVs and the quality of the proposed project. Priority will be given to applicants who have not been awarded a yrCSS grant in the past.

Applicants will be informed about the outcome via email. Results may also be announced on the yrCSS website and social media.

The number of accepted applications depends on their quality and the current yrCSS budget.

After the visit

Within a month after the visit, the candidates will be required to produce a short report on the research performed during the visit. It is for the authors to decide if this report is published on our website and/or on our social media. If you already have a preprint submitted e.g. on arXiv – put a link in the report to gain more visibility! Together with the report, we will require receipts for the main expenses.

Past awardees


Zsofia Zador
Gergo Pinter
Northeastern University London, UK
ANETI Lab, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary


Miguel Ángel González Casado
Fabio Cruz
Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Robert Jankowski
Lluc Bono Rosselló
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
IRIDIA – Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Guim Aguadé Gorgorió
Lluís Arola Fernández
Institute for Evolutionary Sciences, Montpellier, France
IFISC, Palma, Spain


Simone Daniotti
Emanuele Calò
Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria
IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
Antoine Vendeville
Fernando Diaz Diaz
University College London, UK
IFISC, Palma, Spain


Dries Daems
Anshuman Swain
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
University of Maryland, USA
Joseph D. O’Brien
Riccardo Muolo
University of Limerick, Ireland
University of Namur, Belgium
Diliara Valeeva
Sofia Dokuka
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Higher School of Economics, Russia


Piotr Gorski
Curtis Atkisson
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
University of California, Davis, USA


Bernardo Monechi
Enrico Ubaldi
Sony CSL Paris, France
ISI Foundation, Italy
Tomasz Raducha
Mateusz Wilinski
IFISC, Spain
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy
Ana Lucia Rodriguez
Ana María Jaramillo Mejía
Florida International University, USA
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


Iván G. Torre
Oriol Artime
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
IFISC, Spain
Fariba Karimi
Eun Lee
GESIS, Germany
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


Federico Battiston
Jérémy Guillon
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Pierre and Marie Curie University, France
Alice Patania
Jean-Gabriel Young
ISI Foundation, Italy
Universitee Laval, Canada
Massimo Stella
Alberto Antonioni
University of Southampton, UK
Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain