Scholarships for Events on Complex Systems (SECS)

The yrCSS wants to encourage young scientists to participate in complex systems events. SECS are conceived for this very purpose. The Scholarship for Events on Complex Systems provides financial support for young researchers to attend conferences, workshops, schools, symposiums or other scientific events related to complex systems. 

The scholarship takes the form of a reimbursement: it covers some costs associated with attending scientific events. These include registration fees, travel expenses like plane or train tickets, accommodation costs or visa applications, among others.

The call for SECS is currently closed.


SECS provides support in the form of reimbursement for young researchers attending scientific events related to complex systems. We can reimburse up to 500 euros for covering intra-continental events, and up to 800 euros for inter-continental events or early career researchers from universities in emergent nations (specifically, in a country that is not classified as a high-income economy by the World Bank).

The selected candidates will be required to send us proof of payment and confirmation of attendance. The scholarships are paid after the event. If shown to be necessary, we may exceptionally pay some fees in advance. In this case, please get in touch with us at


To be eligible, you only need to be a Master’s student, a PhD candidate, or an early-stage researcher (up to 4 years after PhD) working on complex systems. No need to have paid a CSS membership to apply: if you get selected and are not a member yet, you will get a membership as part of the grant!

How to apply

Your application must consist of:

  1. Your CV
  2. A cover letter of a maximum of one page where you explain your personal motivation and the importance of attending the proposed event. It should include:
    • A brief description of the event and its connection with complex systems research.
    • The requested amount, including a cost breakdown, with sources or explicit justification.
    • A clear statement of why you need this specific grant to fund your trip (for instance, specify any other sources of funding that are available and have been explored, why potential funding for such events included in your PhD scholarship is not enough, …).

Please note that you may resubmit your application as many times as needed.

Selection criteria

The applications will be reviewed by the yrCSS Advisory Board. They will be evaluated based on the candidate’s CV, the reputation of the event, and the potential scientific benefit for the applicant. Priority will be given to applicants who have not been awarded a yrCSS grant in the past.

The number of accepted applications depends on their quality and the current yrCSS budget.

Past awardees


Islam ElgamalTechnical University of Munich, Germany
Louis BoucherieTechnical University of Denmark, Denmark
Ekaterina LandgrenUniversity of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Emanuele CapelliInternational master program of physics of complex systems, Trento (Italy) – Paris (France) – Trieste (Italy)
Lavinia Rossi MoriEnrico Fermi Research Center and Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Assemgul KozhabekBournemouth University, UK
Sofía Morena del PozoUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kikè Yra FontonLaboratoire de Recherche en Economie de Saint-Louis, Senegal and Economic Department of Ughent, Belgium
Emma Fraxanet MoralesPompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
Rahul Kumar SinghIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Juan Acosta SequedaUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Csegő Balázs KolokEötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Rashid IbrahimliUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Kamyar M. RoudakianKoç University, Istanbul, Turkey


Narayan SabhahitNetwork Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
Marta MorandiniUniversity of Turin, Italy
Sima FarokhnejadUniversity of Exeter, UK
Giorgio NicolettiUniversity of Padova, Italy
Hanlin SunQueen Mary University, London, UK
Wei ZhangETH, Zürich, Switzerland
Leah KeatingUniversity of California, Los Angeles, USA


Benjamin EvansUniversity of Sydney, Australia
Lucille CalmonQueen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Mari KawakatsuUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA
Thomas LoufInstitute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), Spain
Pau CasanovaUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
David Soriano PañosInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Irene Ferri CondeminasUniversitat de Barcelona, Spain
Robert JankowskiUniversitat de Barcelona, Spain


Alberto BracciScuola Normale Superiore, Italy
Giuseppe BrandiFuture University Hakodate, Japan
Pablo LozanoUniversity of Padua, Italy
Silvia Salinas AyaviriUniversity of Trento, Italy
Octavio ZapataUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Oriol ArtimeFondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Mahsa BagheriKalhorShahid Beheshti University, Iran
Hao CuiCentral European University, Austria
Pegah HozhabrierdiSyracuse University, United States of America
Benedetta MarianiUniversity of Padova, Italy
Giorgio NicolettiUniversity of Padova, Italy
Andreu PuyUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Jorge RodriguezMediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, Spain
Valeria SecchiniCharles University, Czech Republic


Carlo CampajolaScuola Normale Superiore, Italy
Briane Paul V. SamsonFuture University Hakodate, Japan
Gabriele EttaUniversity of Padua, Italy
Sara SottileUniversity of Trento, Italy